8 comments on “Ashley Juggs in a Golden Cage”

  1. BeerBoy says:

    Love the tits… but they dont make up for the messed up smile and face.

  2. ted says:

    It’s not really a messed up smile. It’s a cute, quirky smile which doesn’t really work when you’re being sexy and stuff

  3. Download says:

    The pictures seem dated ….

  4. Davo says:

    I’m with BeerBoy, something is fundamentally wrong with that face.

  5. peniscone says:

    ya,,, her face is really fucked up, it honestly makes me want to hurt someone

  6. humanoid says:


  7. Xan says:

    yeah, her sister is hotter than she is. too bad she didn’t get into it. just a few shoots. shes another case of amateur turned glamor model fail. she should have stuck with her amateur roots.

  8. joe landry says:

    i like to suck them two bad twins.

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