Ashley Graham See Through for Sports Illustrated’s 2016 Swimsuit Issue!

Besides Ronda Rousey wearing a body paint swimsuit, this year’s talking point from the 2016 edition of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue is plus sized model Ashley Graham because “A fat girl in a swimsuit! So powerful!! So brave!!” Have you been to a beach recently? Did it seem as if being chubby stopped like 50% of the girls from wearing a bikini? Nope! And it shouldn’t, so let’s stop pretending that Ashley Graham posing for SI is this revolution that needs to be celebrated.

Anyway, here’s two outtakes of Ashley’s big boobs in a SEE THROUGH swimsuit which is the only reason I bring this up. You can see all her outtakes and more over at The Nip Slip

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Ashley Graham see throughAshley Graham see through

14 thoughts on “Ashley Graham See Through for Sports Illustrated’s 2016 Swimsuit Issue!”

  1. Somebody had to rotate those nipples up and high then stuck them in that skin tight swimsuit before they flopped down under and pointed at her knees….

  2. From what I’ve seen of this girl (these two pics included), I gather that she is hot AF. It takes all shapes and sizes…

  3. She’s not fat. She’s just not anorexic. She’s more real sized. Her stomach is pretty flat. Like Anna Nichole Smith…she’s got curves in all the right places ^_^

  4. That’s just it Riv, if you live in America “real size” equals “fat.” Nothing to be proud of.
    And by the way, while on vacation in Cancun many times, I’ve seen plenty of Europeans and they’re fat too. This porker is just an attempt by SI to pander too fat broads so that they won’t boycott their magazine.

  5. Yeah, “real size” is unhealthy. We admire athletes and models for being in shape and taking care of themselves. That takes work and dedication. All this other shit doesn’t deserve to be celebrated because it caters to a bunch of mentally/emotionally weak people who aren’t typically physically capable either. That’s not healthy in any way at all.

    Anyway, Graham would put Kate Upton to shame if she lost like 15-20 lbs. No need to even get toned or anything, just in better shape. She’s already got a great facial structure and body frame.

  6. It’s about a media vehicle going out of the norm by publishing a plus-size model in a swimsuit, not about fat girls being allowed to wear swimsuits. It’s not that to hard to grasp, Niklas.

    Whether or not it’s just to pander doesn’t really matter, though it would appear obvious to most reasonable people that “fat broads” are obviously not buying or promoting Sports Illustrated, and thus doing it to avoid a boycott makes zero sense.

    Some people dig bigger chicks (as shown in the comments) and if it helps make other such chicks feel represented, all the better. It might sound absurd to some here, but there’s nothing wrong with making a living out of modelling your fat body if there’s an audience for it—you don’t have to like it. Also shocking news: attractiveness is relative.

    • @Squalla – You’ve clearly missed all the articles / interviews with Ashley talking about how swimsuits is for everyone no matter the size etc.

  7. I live in Florida, and while there are certainly some lard-asses, I think it’s really exaggerated how many Americans are fatsos . . .

    Maybe we just have less lard-asses down here, I dunno.


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