Ariel Winter Rings the Bell at the NYSE!

Ariel Winter also rung my bell with all that cleavage! DING DING DING!! I wonder if they invited her so all those stock dudes would get motivated to TRADE TRADE TRADE!! Gotta make that money so you can get your hands on those titties!! DING DING!! LETS GOOOOO!!

Famous boobs at: Mr. Skin

Ariel Winter cleavageAriel Winter cleavageAriel Winter cleavageAriel Winter cleavage

12 thoughts on “Ariel Winter Rings the Bell at the <em>NYSE!</em>”

  1. A stupid, dumbfuck no talent cunt getting press for doing something less than useless. You’d think by now the comments from us of utter hatred and distain for this cunt and the Kardashian whores would get the message across of how much we don’t fucking care about them and how we’d love to see them perish in a gruesome accident, yet you still give these fucking cunts more press. What a fucking joke.

  2. For christsakes. Clearly bell ringing attire. She’s nice looking as it is, why be that desperate for attention??

  3. I’m just surprised that she got her breasts reduced considering how she loves showing them off all the time.

  4. I remember when she was about fifteen or so, and people were starting to comment on her revealing outfits. She said it was because it was hard to find things that fit correctly, like her boobs were always spilling out because nothing in her size was designed to hold a rack as big as hers. And now she’s smaller and still showing tons of cleavage all the time. Not that I’m complaining, but it seems like she may have been a little dishonest there.

  5. Love the neckbeards who call out other neckbeards for not being attracted to this piece of shit. Give up the white knight bullshit, no one is falling for it.

  6. Haha, white knight bullshit, implying Ariel reads these comments and I say these things in an attempt to fuck her. Keep these comments up mate, they’re gold.

  7. That fact that Random came back 2 full days later to see if anyone commented on his comment shows how much a fucking neckbeard white knight he is.


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