Amber Rose Caught Topless at the Beach!

Candids of Kanye West’s ex-girlfriend and model Amber Rose caught topless on the beach in Maui!! I know the short hair and general thickness is a turn off for some, but any woman who wears a g-string in public gets two thumbs up, and those are some juicy juggs! Could definitely see myself having a good time with her.

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Amber Rose toplessAmber Rose toplessAmber Rose toplessAmber Rose toplessAmber Rose toplessAmber Rose toplessAmber Rose topless

14 thoughts on “Amber Rose Caught Topless at the Beach!”

  1. i could really get into her if she just didn’t have a fucking boy’s hair cut. nice hair is underrated on a woman.

  2. Holy Crap batman! That pic loaded up and I thought I was looking at a guy! Then I scrolled down and saw those big saggers, and 2 butts! I’ll be back, have to go empty my drool bucket, and eat lunch again….. ishy.

  3. Thunder thighs and fat ass, that’s not a big bum, that’s a fat ass! Not nice, skin on her ass looks horrible like it’s gone off or something lol

  4. U guys amaze me! U wud praise. Leanne “Fugly” crow, tyre tummies like maria moore’s and den blast dis body?! Ridiculous!! Its almost impossible to have a coke bottle body and no cellulite!

  5. What Hero said. There are broads here (that you guys love) who are just downright big. And in an unsightly, un-athletic way. Thanks for Amber. Keep up the good work.

  6. I hear ya, J and Hero!!! Furthermore, I wonder how many of you dudes dissing this lovely woman are in fact fit yourselves? Hmmm, but yeah I get everything’s not for everybody but damn don’t mishandle her because you don’t like it… She’s the bomb, stop being uncouth haters that’s really not cool at all!!

  7. It’s hilarious all the negative comments about her hair and butt from idiots who live on their keyboards and jack off in their mommies basements. I would fuck this bitch all day and night. Good luck to you losers in finding a real life girl


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