17 comments on “Alina’s Naked Body with a View!”

  1. Dave says:


    1. zombie says:

      Agreed, but that’s a rockin’ hot body.

    2. Download says:

      Butterface ??
      Come on now, she’s prettier than 90% of the women that man could ever meet.
      I am curious to what you consider to be a pretty girl.

      1. mikeroyne says:

        butterface is too strong but i see his point. her body is perfect & though she is pretty, the face isn’t on par with the rest of her.i love the mouth on her

        1. derp says:

          Your opinion, & existence, does not matter.

          1. mikeroyne says:

            it does to you, we all know that. go get your shine box

  2. Deewok says:

    Whatever happened to minge that looks like a doormat?
    I luv that when it looks like someone has stuck a badger’s pelt doon their knickers.
    This bald ( can it be?) beaver…
    Just not my thing…🐿🐿🐿🐿

    1. zombie says:

      It’s not the 70’s anymore, move on 😛

      1. mikeroyne says:

        agreed, never vote bush. seeing a pelt or briar patch is really gross. it was back then too, they just didn’t know any better

        1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

          Bush rules. Thankfully, you don’t.

  3. Deewok says:

    Lindsey Dawn McKenzie had a luscious one in the 90’s.
    Full and bristling. Dark dark dark..in colour..
    Looked like she took it fo a walk every morning..🤔🐿👍

  4. Mr. Bush says:

    If that came to your door!!! She is Lovely!!
    F your lil, chav views lol!

    1. Deewok says:

      If that came to the door I’d point her in the direction if the nearest Mickkey Dees..
      She looks borderline anorexic to me and basically not well..
      But again…that’s just my opinion..
      And thankfully I dont feel need to post it against every seriously skinny burd that is shown..
      Each to their own..
      Cheap date at least…she wouldn’t eat fuck all…🤷‍♀️

  5. BeerMan says:


  6. Deewok says:

    Personally..with the right hair cut and clothes…she would pass off as s 14 year old boy very easily..
    But hey…🤷‍♀️

    1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

      That’d be right up the resident shit smear’s alley, wouldn’t it?

  7. Oh Dear says:

    Matchstick with the wood scraped off.

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