Alexandra Daddario Makes Me Interested in Parenthood

Alexandra Daddario cleavage

Who knew I would ever be interested in a show called Parenthood? Actually, I’m still not interested in the show but I am very interested in the boobs of Alexandra Daddario! Here she is bending over and helping a man with his computer and bend over cleavage is the best kind of cleavage!

Famous boobs at: Mr. Skin

Alexandra Daddario cleavageAlexandra Daddario cleavageAlexandra Daddario cleavageAlexandra Daddario cleavageAlexandra Daddario cleavageAlexandra Daddario cleavageAlexandra Daddario cleavageAlexandra Daddario cleavage

3 thoughts on “Alexandra Daddario Makes Me Interested in Parenthood”

  1. Alexendra is a beauty! I’m guessing “slightly suggestive” is about as sexy as she is going to get on screen/TV but she’s still lust-worthy. Nik you should also get some caps of Alexandra Breckenridge as the slutty maid in American Horror Story – make it an Alexandra two-for-Tuesday

  2. daddario in the movie “bereavement” is unbelievably HOT, youtube the trailer and you’ll see what i’m talking about


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