Air Force Sergeant Michelle Manhart In Playboy

Here is the story behind these pics:
“An Air Force sergeant who posed nude for Playboy magazine has been relieved of her duties while the military investigates, officials said Thursday. In February’s issue, hitting newsstands this week, Michelle Manhart is photographed in uniform yelling and holding weapons under the headline “Tough Love.” The following pages show her partially clothed, wearing her dog tags while working out, as well as completely nude.

‘This sergeant’s alleged action does not meet the high standards we expect of our airmen, nor does it comply with the Air Force’s core values of integrity, service before self, and excellence in all we do,” Oscar Balladares, spokesman for Lackland Air Force Base, said in a statement. Manhart told Playboy that she considers herself as standing up for her rights. “Of what I did, nothing is wrong, so I didn’t anticipate anything, of course,” Manhart, 30, told The Associated Press. “I didn’t do anything wrong, so I didn’t think it would be a major issue.” Manhart, who is married with two children, joined the Air Force in 1994, spending time in Kuwait in 2002. She trains airmen at Lackland.

Michelle Manhart Michelle Manhart Michelle Manhart Michelle Manhart Michelle Manhart Michelle Manhart Michelle Manhart Michelle Manhart

14 thoughts on “Air Force Sergeant Michelle Manhart In Playboy”

  1. I live in San Antonio, TX where Lackland AFB is located. This is BIG news around here — so big that it’s nearly impossible to find the magazine. Many retailers refused to put it our because she “tarnished the image” of the USAF. Those retailers that did put it out couldn’t keep stocked because of high demand. Thanks for posting the pics, because this is the first chance I’ve had to see them!

  2. I too live in San Antonio and did several years in the military. First f all, She’s a knockout! I don’t agree with what the AF is putting her through. I was in long enough to know that she’s not doing anything disgracing the uniform any more than some top leaders have done in so many other ways. The difference is, they cover for each other where she might not have had any cover. Get over it Air Force!

  3. I know for a fact that Michelle was an ideal airman… She trained so many young men, and I know some of them personally and they are better people now since she trained them… She is probably the most respected TI out of all the TI’s I know. You couldn’t ask for a more upstanding female than Michelle Manhart.

  4. If her last name was Bush or that of another top political figure, we would not be having this discussion. She has not disgraced our military or country near as much as some major political players in office currently. We have politicians inn prison who still collect a pension we are paying…. Wake UP… What is wrong with this picture? Is her service record blemished other than this Playboy incident? NO! If it is an embarassment issue for the country, we should probably start at the top and work our way down the ladder; Bush, Cheney, Rice, and the rest who have made the United States the most hated country around the world. Talk about embarassment…. She is a beautiful woman and did nothing wrong. Maybe if the Air Force is so embarassed, they should pay their people better so they would not have to resort to second incomes to make monthly obligations.

  5. As an enlisted member in the armed forces of America,
    this does not tarnish the image of the USAF. Do you know how
    many Marines and Sailors have purchased this magazine?
    the PX is out of stock of this issue, and people are still asking for it.
    she is a beautiful woman and should be proud to have this.

  6. Her hair looks like a wig in some photos compared to workout pics. Also are her boobs fake? And have you seen the pics of her holding the playboy issue? These pics have been more than a little doctored.

  7. if i ever joined the airforce i would see her and not give about anything but just fucking her and remembering her naked body i would take her as a joke. even do all the airforce is a joke i would not be afriad of her the bitch should stay but moved to another job and i think the new gay airmen going to basic would see her the same way

  8. I could use a tough hottie like Michelle Manhart to whip my petty ass into shape. She would provide all the motivation. 😉

  9. She is a *TRAINING INSTRUCTOR**, not a “Drill Sergeant”. I hate that people get that shit wrong. I remember a lot of the female MTI’s were gorgeous when I went through basic.


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