Post Removed

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17 thoughts on “Post Removed”

  1. y does she look like she got somethin up her rear? i mean wats with the pout n that dazed expression anyway. hey niklas- ur mention to alexa loren reminds me of another fantastitt babe- alexa moore. il get u guys a link.

  2. Dude you’ve totally pissed her off. She took all her pics off her page and claimed that you are an “amateur porn site”. Guess she doesn’t realize that by posting her pictures on Candy Crib and not making them private that they are in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. Guess they aren’t teaching about property rights in the UK…

  3. haha, i have her myspace if anyone’s interested?
    i honestly didn’t think she’d be the type to want to get into that, then again i don’t exactly know her all that well.

  4. As usual, Aaron feels the need to share his abominable taste for disrespecting and degrading women. *sigh*

  5. so she uploaded her topless pix onto the internet willingly. And now she’s upset that they’re getting popular? She needs to make up her mind what her career’s gonna be

  6. she’s sexy..needs a make up artist coz when she does it on her own she ends up looking like on her myspace page…HORRIFYING!gorgeous boobs though


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