Abigail Ratchford was tits out at the 2016 MAXIM Hot 100 Party over the weekend! She’s getting a little sloppy because the nipple tape holding her boobs together is clearly visible. Not classy. Also, maybe its just the outfit but her body looks different? It’s like her hips got bigger and she’s got more of a Kim Kardashian shape. Maybe ass injections? Don’t think I approve.
And speaking of not approving. I can’t believe Maxim are still doing that 100 hottest women list. Feels like something they should retire.
Tinder but with naked pictures: SwipeFlirts
Just when will this whore get naked? Cant fap to fully clothed hoes…
I veto your lack of approval, Nik.
Agreed. Kill it with fire.
She’s done. She keeps fucking with her body, getting uglier each time. Her only choice is to get fully naked because her 15 minutes of fame were up a year ago. What a waste.
If no one else wants her, shit I’ll take her!!!
That’s too much plastic for me! She used to be something special, but now she’s exceeded the mark of perfection into plastic doll territory.
RIP in peace, Abigail
Does nothing for. Too fake and plastic
Plastic? Y’all are morons. She’s incredible!
Sorry other Joe but she’s not incredible. Her tits are fake, her ass appears to be messed up and fucked up now. Only a matter of time before she fucks up her face too. She’s a joke and nothing to look at now. She had her chance and now is a nobody.
Her breasts are all natural, trolls!
Jokel, not to burst your bubble but no….her tits are not natural. They’re fake. And sadly it looks like she’s heading further down that plastic surgery road. It’s a shame and a waste.
Sorry troll Joe.
But her breasts are really obvious real.
Nope, they’re not.
Yes they are 100% real.
Not sure how someone could think they were fake.