A Dani Mathers Might Go To Prison Update!

Mad at Dani Mathers

To summarize. Playboy babe Dani Mathers is in trouble for secretly SnapChatting a naked woman (who is 70-years old) in the locker room at a gym.

In early November Dani was charged with “one misdemeanor count of invasion of privacy” which is a charge that usually involves peeping toms or people who hide cameras with the intent of capturing naked people. Its a pretty serious charge and not often used “body shaming” cases. So it seems like LA is trying to set an example with Dani.

Just a few days ago Dani Mathers was in court and pleaded “not guilty” with the explanation that it was a mistake to post the pic in public. The pretrial date has been set for December 21st and if she’s found guilty, she could get six months in jail and be ordered to pay a $1,000 fine.

9 thoughts on “A Dani Mathers Might Go To Prison Update!”

  1. i love how her excuse is “its ok because i didnt mean to send it” (even though she DID mean to publicly send it) but if it were a man that took this picture he would be in jail just for TAKING the picture

  2. She fugly and has obviously a shitty character. Fuck this bitch. Her playboy pics sucked as hell. I never liked her. After that dumb move of her, I dont like her even more. I really hope justice will be spoken soon.


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