5 comments on “Kim Kardashian Cleavage in a Silver Top!”

  1. Dr. Pepper says:

    Kim Kartrashian is about as sexy as a dial tone. I feel for that poor chump, Pete Davidson…

  2. Joe says:

    She has nice tits, the rest of her is straight up shit and fat ass gutter whore.

  3. Ginley says:

    Counting on Kanye to go postal on her and the rest of the family, then he can off himself to do the world a solid…his last crazy act.

    1. mikeroyne says:

      that would be fucking awesome. if not we can send a terminator back in time to sever the bloodline completely

      1. OH Dear says:

        It would be fucking awesome if John Connor were real, and he visits Boobieblob regularly so that in the future he can program and send a terminator back to wipe out trolls. You and any of your blood line will be it’s no1 target,only then will we have true peace on earth.
        hasta la vista – arse wipe troll.

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