Alison Lindsey from Canada was Playboy’s Coed Of The Week in september of 2005. Im really liking her pierced nipples which is odd since Im usually not into piercings and stuff.
Alison Lindsey from Canada was Playboy’s Coed Of The Week in september of 2005. Im really liking her pierced nipples which is odd since Im usually not into piercings and stuff.
She doesn’t have piercings in the pics on the Playboy site. Must have been added with a “Photoshop job”, but they look hot!
Hm, in the pics I see at an unnamed location, she does have the piercings. I *guess* this person could have just found some photoshopped pics and posted them… or, Playboy could have done some photoshopping of their own to remove them?
MMMM… I love pierced tits!
Although I like her face and hair, I don’t care for her nipple rings or her pussy hair. If I were her, I would get some implants if she doesn’t have them already and if she does, get better ones and I would lose the nipple rings.
I would also shave my pussy hair if I was her.
Her pierced tits are hot but I don’t care for her smile. It needs some work to make her look hotter.
That pussy hair has to go.