Hooters New Uniform Causing a Stir!

A few weeks ago, Hooters sent out new uniforms to their waitresses – and some of them are upset over the new (sexier) shorts because they are a lot smaller than the current model! This being 2021 – they took to TikTok to voice their outrage:

Hooters is done with the tit market and is trying to move in on the ass market as well!? The controversy among their employees caused Hooters to release a statement on their policy yesterday:

“As we continue to listen and update the image of the Hooters Girls, we are clarifying that they have the option to choose from traditional uniforms or the new ones. They can determine which style of shorts best fits their body style and personal image”

I bet they will pick the style that makes them the most $$$$! Here are a few examples of the new uniform – will that ass bring you in for some wings?

Hooters - New Unfiorm
Hooters - New Unfiorm

4 comments on “Hooters New Uniform Causing a Stir!”

  1. Zek says:

    Nah most of them be sticks anyway😂😂😂

  2. BidenBlows says:

    Yikes. Put MORE clothes on please.

    1. bubbajoe says:

      I thought Hooters girls were supposed to, you know, have HOOTERS! Last I checked, the name of the place wasn’t GinormASS. Did I miss a memo?

  3. KingKokos says:

    They’re working at a place called Hooters, wtf are they whining about! It’s not like they didn’t know they get tipped based on how sexy they look and not on the service they provide!

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