11 comments on “Nude Selfies of LydiaGh0st!”

  1. Mike_FS says:


  2. Everyone hates Mike says:

    This one is one of my favourites to follow on Reddit and Twitter right now. Cute face, curvy body, great tits, sweet tush, and she takes a cock well too. Damn, son.

  3. Answerman says:

    Tattoo “artist:” “So what brings you in today, you somewhat chubby but otherwise good looking girl?”
    Lydiaghost: “I hate myself and want to ruin my body by scribbling on it with meaningless tattoos like it was the cover of my 9th grade math class notebook.
    Tattoo “artist:” “Come on in and have a seat.”

  4. mikeroyne says:

    perfectly built for fucking. perfectly ruined by those shit stains

  5. Everyone hates Mike says:

    I rest my case 👆🏻

  6. stuart_uk88 says:

    God some people will just always find away to criticise no matter what, even when being presented with one of the finest pair tits they are likely to see

    What a pair of whiny ass bitches

    1. mikeroyne says:

      ah yes we’ve reach the whining about whining portion of the talk

      her tatts fucking suck & so does everyone who thinks they’re so cool & interesting because you paid someone to draw on your body

      1. Ca uk says:

        Youd be lucky to even sniff her panties royne

      2. derb says:

        ah yes we’ve reached the retard trolling portion of the comments, get a life mikey.

  7. Anon says:

    Kill it with fire.

  8. Me says:

    Her boobs look very natural when she’s lying down, but that looks like an implant scar around the nipple in pic 2. Hrm…

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