Here is a nice collection of three busty babes showing off their big boobs at the beach. My favorite is the second girl who enjoys sucking on my coc…. I mean.. a lollipop. Love those big naturals! I got an appreciation for the third girl and her huge silicon filled knockers too though! I bet she is proud of her new boobs!
Pictures from: I Love the Beach
Girls #2 & #3 look so yummy! I want to burry my face in those tits!
#3 = very nice!
I love how there is a 4th set of boobs that are so bad they purposely tried to avoid taking pictures of them. She has the boobs of a 12 year old. I love the rest of them.
i love all the beach stuff
Fourth set of boobs? There’s only thee girls there…
JOE: There are four different girls. Dave is, presumably, talking about the sexy girl with the dark hair, sitting next to the one sucking a lolly.
DAVE: Only guys like you could say the lady with the dark hair had a “bad” set of boobs. Any man worth his salt — who isn’t still living with a mother/teat syndrome — knows that all sizes of boobs/tits/breasts are hot. From DD to what boys like you might call flat as a board: breasts that are mostly nipple, but still erotic as hell, or as John O’Hara properly termed it, breasts like and expensive whore.”
Viva la difference! (And great show, ladies).