17 comments on “Indian Actress Nehal Vadoliya Drops a Robe in Type Writer!

  1. iwudluvtoo says:


  2. Bradford says:

    Jesus! That’s a 10/10 right there

  3. DB says:

    Christmas in June!

  4. CygnusX1 says:

    mother of god

    that’s about as close to a 10 i think i’ve seen on this board

    *fukkin saved

  5. MHW says:

    Oh My God. Can you imagine how she bounces when gets pounded like crazy!!

    1. GG says:

      MHW you got your wish!

      1. MHW says:

        Is that really her? Any more content of her? What movie or show this came from? Her IMDb does not show much.

  6. mikeroyne says:

    looks great but but not that great. i cant say shes a ten

    1. Teddy Salad says:

      Not a 10 by western standards, but she breaks the scale for an Indian!

  7. Mr. Bush says:

    for dinner, I’ll take the tandori chicken & Nehal for dessert 🙂 <—take's a mint

    1. MHW says:

      ^ ugh… I will be the one to say it… Fucking white people! ^ (and no, I’m not Indian, and obviously not white)

      1. Joe Biden says:

        It’s not racist to say you like dothead food.

      2. Mr. Bush says:

        1. i do like Tandorri Chicken. just get stinky so i must shower, soap, etc,
        2. I work with alot of Indian people where I work. And, they are awesome Warriors!!!!! The best of help!!
        3. Nehal IS Beautiful!
        4.Lighten up, breath, thru all this shit we’re lookin now, and observe Beautilfulness, doh, Bille Ilish, quote….lol

  8. Ginley says:

    Not bad, but you have to factor in that she reeks of curry

  9. Mag says:

    Amazing. Beautiful woman, gorgeous body.

  10. Jeff says:

    That is a fantastic pair of breasts! Definitely need to see more of her naked!

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