7 comments on “Sabien DeMonia in Black Lingerie!”

  1. Damon says:

    Well, I can’t unsee that.

  2. zman says:

    are they real or fake ?

    1. CygnusX1 says:


      nobody wants this

      and they’re obviously fake

  3. mikeroyne says:

    jesus fucking christ is that disgusting. it needs to be fired into the sun, then fire another rocket to destroy the sun

  4. Deewok says:

    Yes.. your gonna laugh but hey..
    I really dont like her yellow nails..
    I know it’s a trendy colour..
    But it’s off putting..
    Actually a decent set of tits on the young maiden imo..👍

    1. mikeroyne says:

      i hear you. it is a shitty color & that trend is lousy. i do love the trend of the claw like nails; those are hot
      all that said, her nails are probably the prettiest…no wait, least ugly thing about her

  5. Dick says:

    If there were such a thing as a wet nightmare, this young lady would be in it.

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