10 comments on “Blonde in a Micro Bikini!”

  1. bob says:


  2. krunchiex says:

    Fairly sure that’s: Hopelessofrantic

    1. Iron Balls McGinty says:


  3. mikeroyne says:

    holy shit, shes hot as fuck. nothing beats tiny, slim & stacked spinners

    1. flerp says:

      As you stroke your tiny slim pecker.

  4. SuperSevenn says:

    Now that’s the kind of girl you marry!

  5. BrooklyN Fire says:

    ugh she looks so trashy

    1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

      Juniper Hope at Playboy. Glammed out.

  6. OH Dear says:

    Inverted triangle

  7. JNewsted14 says:

    Great girl. Some of the best tits ever on a super trim body. Cutey too.

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