i´d just stare at her boobs, one complaint from her and i´d tell jher she could´ve fucked worm something where 80% of her tits werent spilling out of,. idgaf
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a) He’s gay. b) The director threatened to cut off his balls if he looked down. c) It was take # 7426.
Maybe he just dosnt like big tits.
So thats why he avoids most if the commentators on here 🤓🖒
Who doesn’t like big tits? That would be perverse, unnatural!
Fuck all that shit, who is she!
You can tell is giving maximum effort at making constant eye contact with her and NOT look at her boobs.
This is the hardest effing thing ever, look at his focus, it’s insane
When she looks away, if you look at his neck, he is gulping like a muthafucka😂😂😂
The girl is Irina Babenko a.k.a. Irina Olsen. A danish/ukranian realitystar.
i´d just stare at her boobs, one complaint from her and i´d tell jher she could´ve fucked worm something where 80% of her tits werent spilling out of,. idgaf