Amber Rose is the Slut Hero We Need!

Amber Rose Slut Walk

Amber Rose dressed up as a busty Captain Save A Hoe for her 3rd annual SlutWalk! She looks great in that costume and I’d love for her to use those big titties to save ALL THE HOES, but LOL at her boyfriend 21 Savage. He looks like every guy ever who gets dragged to an event by theyr girlfriend that they don’t want to be at.

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Amber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut WalkAmber Rose Slut Walk

13 thoughts on “Amber Rose is the Slut Hero We Need!”

  1. Enough of this stupid fucking cunt. We are tired of her. She’s got a pair of tits, that’s it. The rest of her is a piss poor shit excuse for a decent human being. Sooner her, all the fucking Kardashians, Miley Cyrus, sooner they all are gone from this world the better.

  2. yes shes an attention whore, but she is advocating for sluts…remember kids, more sluts = more sex. guys who slut shame are cowards. i fucking love sluts, women who are open & comfy about getting laid are the most fun.

    PS shes hot as hell but her tatts are just fucking awful

  3. She could sit on my face for a week.
    In fact, she could stay the weekend too if she wanted 🤓🤘

  4. She’s got a beautiful smile, pretty eyes, and a curvaceous body most men can only dream of. AND seems super cool and/or fun to hang with.

    I think people complaining about her just want something to whine about.

  5. Captain Save A Hoe is da perfect name for dis… HOE?? Lulz! Keep updatin us wit her slutty adventures, Nik and ignore dem fag azz gaytard trolls. Good work.


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