5 comments on “Tessa Fowler is a Christmas Hottie!”

  1. IvanLeTerrible says:

    We want dat tittyfuck vid for christmas. Hurry up, Tessa!

  2. Scooter says:

    I’m going to get railed about my next observation… But, I’ll share, anyway.

    Does anyone else see a slight resemblance to Ronda Rousey in the face??

    Also, she’s got an amazing upper.

  3. BeerMan says:


  4. mikeroyne says:

    i can see a little rousey in her face, but ronda looks great, so that isn’t a bad thing. the only flaw with tessa is that shes not at my house

  5. Lance Burton says:

    Does sh just do all these shoots in one day and sprinkle them out over the weeks. Same tire shots, angle, and breasts.

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