Playboy Babe Jessica Linn

I love the pussy on this chick!

Jessica Linn Jessica Linn Jessica Linn Jessica Linn Jessica Linn

More Playboy babes at Playboy Plus.

14 thoughts on “Playboy Babe Jessica Linn”

  1. um.. jessica has a nice shave.. the little mustache (im not sure what it’s called) is a great look.. of course, if all women did that it might get monotonous

  2. well, not JUST that.. pussy shaving and air-brushing on one side, this girl has a lot of other assets that would make her the finest thing in most any room she wlked into

  3. I think we’d all agree upon that her look does fit the bill of a playmate stereotype: long blond hair, hourglass body figure, and long meaty legs. Yet, her facial feature just doesn’t appeal too much to me, with her right eye noticeably larger than her left one. (But then of course I won’t mind banging her should opportunity present itself)

    Though if I were Hef, I would prefer Charis Boyle, or Christi Shake.

    Last thing, I thought it’s almost a prerequisite for playmates to shave their pubic areas before their shots?

    (So my question persists: what’s so special about this chick’s pussy??)

  4. well, maybe just because it’s there! i think Niklas might have been talking about pic #2, where it all comes together in a lovely Y shape.. but this is boobie blog – the ‘pussy page’ is in another domain! he he


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