Coca-Cola is launching a premium milk brand, and to sell it they’ve decided to launch a campaign using photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz’ milky pinups! The campaign is already getting criticized for being sexist etc but I think its awesome and these photos are incredible! The models look beautiful and apparently Jaroslav is using REAL milk for the effect. Here is an in depth article on how he created these pics.
Coca-Cola’s Milk Ads Feature Models Wearing Nothing but.. Milk!
Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda
Cool design and love the boobs but yah totally sexist. You can tell they were photographed nude and there is clearly nipples. Interesting as soft core porn but terrible advertising.
“The campaign is already getting criticized for being sexist”? What a bullshit. The campaign is showing the woman`s body. So now woman`s body is bad, because it`s different than man`s body? Looks like in 10 years time will be obscene to look good. All people will be required to look like obese potatoes.
Sexist for retarded feminist…
This is fucking brilliant, and they totally pulled it off well with these photos.