Angelina Jolie’s Boobs Has Grown

The best part about pregnant celebreties is their milky hooters. Here is Angelina Jolie which normally would never make an appearance on Boobie Blog, and her obvious boobie growth. Someone needs to get her a cheesburger though.

Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie
Vivid Celeb

9 comments on “Angelina Jolie’s Boobs Has Grown”

  1. Jason says:

    What’s up with her viens tho? She hittin the roids?

  2. latino heat says:

    first of all iam a big fan of boobie blog.angelina jolie still
    still hot even though she is getting older she is smoking just
    ask my friend Brat pit lol cya

  3. RedScorpion says:

    dude u dum asses her boobs r bigger in that pic cause shes
    pregnant u DDD god idiots uh GOSH GOSH GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! 😛 😛 :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P 😀

  4. Niklas - Owner says:

    If you would take 1 second out of your time from being an idiot and read the first sentence of the post you’d realize we know she is pregnant in these pics.

  5. Hambone says:

    Bullcrap to this woman. She ain’t so great. There are many others I’d do before her. For their looks, for their status, or just to say “yeah, I tagged that”

  6. D says:

    check out original sin movie for her sex scene

  7. badboy says:

    Man, I’d like to drain every drop of milk from her.

  8. Luis says:

    keep dreaming bitches.

  9. Zohair says:

    u know y she is pregnant cuz o fucked her lol i wish i could fuck her 4 real she is yummy

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