Rosie Jones Vs. Hettie in Front

Big spread of Rosie Jones, who got the lead in the current Boobie Blog poll by the way, versus Hettie in the latest issue of Front magazine. Its no contest for me, Rosie Jones blows Hettie out of the water even though Hettie is a cute girl. However, this is a boobs blog and in that department Hettie brought a water pistol to a bazooka fight.

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Rosie Jones and Hettie topless in Front Rosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in FrontRosie Jones and Hettie topless in Front

3 thoughts on “Rosie Jones Vs. Hettie in Front”

  1. I don’t these are recycled since I’ve not seen them together before and it’s the cover of a montly. More a matter of them shooting in the same style over and over again. The recycled shots are mostly used for Zoo or Nuts “top 100 whatever” filler. For about two years now Front thave used the same colour scheme on the cover for example roughly the same style of cover shoot, in the past this wasn’t the case.

    On another note I am suprised you (blog owner) didn’t post the big spread of Kelly Andrews that was in Zoo since it was awesome. Have you not seen it? Rose Jones is nice but I prefer the aforementioned along with the two Sammanthas


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