Winter Pierzina Waiting for Her Prince

Busty Winter Pierzina sings about a prince cuming on her tits. I can be that prince…

8 comments on “Winter Pierzina Waiting for Her Prince”

  1. yoav says:


  2. Bonewagon says:

    She does a really good impression of Seymore Butts, there

  3. morrdigan says:

    Um, what?

  4. corpse paint says:

    this video knows how to terminate a boner

  5. Johnny says:

    I am with you there, Corpse paint. I woke up with a semi on. Watched this and my poor fella fell straight asleep.

  6. A funny idea, but they need to work on the actual action. This could be so much better.

  7. iloveboobs says:

    sexy fuckin boobs

  8. 23414 says:

    I wish I could say this isn’t my fetish, but it is

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