Tera Patrick goes for a Fast Ride
Cool clip of Tera Patrick and her porn star friends going for a ride in a very fast car! Titties be bouncing!
Video from: Tera Patrick
[hana-flv-player video=”http://video.famehosted.com/vids/8/0/2/6/c16208/1890a522ca/16208_02/01/16208_02_120sec_00.mp4″width=”520″
autoload=”true” autoplay=”false”
loop=”false” autorewind=”true”
March 20th, 2013
Posted in Boob Videos, Random Videos, Tera Patrick
Not Tera.
Um one of the girls is her if I’m not mistaken.
Neither of these girls is Tara and its not even close. Fail.
definitely NOT Tera.
Tera appears at the end, and briefly a couple times before then.
The last 30 seconds is all Tera Patrick
Tera is one of the girls. The people saying she’s not in it don’t know what they are talking about.
I love Tera! This video is awesome.