9 comments on “Petra Verkaik Strip in the Sunset”

  1. Lance burton says:

    Who let that old broad in here?!?!?!

  2. Rexx says:

    As far as playmates from that era, Petra just never did it for me. I’d choose Carrie Stevens over her in a heartbeat. Carrie was like the Leanna Decker of her era.

  3. Mike Ryan says:

    Beautiful as always.

    Lance, besides being 12 you’re also an asshat, probably gay as well.

  4. jugdish says:


  5. Jeff says:

    . . .Dairy! Lots and lots of “dairy” in that Legend-dairy. . .

  6. Lance burton says:

    Mike Ryan, did you become a expert on who is and isnt gay while working as a fluffer on manjackers 8 or was it during your stint as a dildo tester?

  7. Mike Ryan says:

    No, it was while I was being sucked off by you. Don’t you remember? It was just before I fucked your ass!!

  8. Mike Ryan says:

    Okay, my comments were uncalled for. I’m sorry Lance for insulting you.

  9. corpse paint says:

    I thought lances first comment was pretty funny! When boobs are this big, we can all get along!

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