Kim Kardashian in a Bikini

Here’s Kim Kardashian strolling along Miami Beach in a red and black bikini! I like the way she looks.. with her tiny lil’ legs, huge ass and big tittays!

Famous boobs at: Mr. Skin

Kim Kardashian in a bikiniKim Kardashian in a bikiniKim Kardashian in a bikiniKim Kardashian in a bikiniKim Kardashian in a bikini

16 comments on “Kim Kardashian in a Bikini”

  1. says:

    ugly hippo

  2. Chris says:

    ^ You’re nuts. She’s unbelievably hot and has a great body

  3. Stevie says:

    She has no talent, but would be a great lay.

  4. damon says:

    Would she? I wonder. An entitled girl like her, would she get into it or would she just kind of expect you to do all the work? Haven’t had some experience with entitled girls (none as mindnumbingly rich as her, mind you), I can say it can go either way. Not much middle ground.

  5. damon says:

    *Having* had, sorry.

  6. bob says:

    why is everyone so fascinated by her? her ass is far to big to enjoy; not to mention a cellulite ridden piece of filth

  7. papoace27 says:

    She is so overrated !!!

  8. Joe says:

    Ugly fucking bitch.

  9. Dave says:

    I just love those curves.

  10. Kelly B says:

    She’s a fat disgusting egotistical pig yet people are fascinated by her — just truly amazing.

  11. ( o Y o ) says:

    Youth is fleeting. Exhibit A.

  12. A dude says:

    Lots of unnecessary blind hatred going on here. She looks really good as always.

  13. corpsepaint says:

    Large tits, large (but not nasty) ass, hourglass figure, and — lets admit it — really pretty face. Why are we even having this discussion?

  14. reason says:

    hourglass figure? her ass is 4x the size of her chest.

  15. Lance burton says:

    Her time is up. Stop posting this tired crap.

  16. CFH says:

    Wow, people are actually calling her fat! Stop with the jealous, mindless abuse! I’m not a fan of Kim Kardashian but she certainly isn’t fat! Did you actually open your eyes when viewing these photo’s?

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