Lucy Pinder Look-a-like?

At first I though these were bad Lucy Pinder pics, but then I realised this isnt Lucy Pinder.. this is Emma! I have to say its quite the compliment to be mistaken for a bad Lucy Pinder. They look like they could be sisters. Heck, for all I know they are! I dont know Emma’s last name so they very well could be.

Pics from Only Tease
Emma Emma Emma Emma Emma Emma Emma Emma

6 comments on “Lucy Pinder Look-a-like?”

  1. Nitsan says:

    Wow, she’s hot, and who doesn’t have a thing for twins? I’d fuck her three ways from Thursday

  2. Wedge says:

    Lucy Pinder at the end of a cocaine binge is what she looks like.

    “Hey (snif sniff) you got any more? I need a bump. (snif snort)”

  3. ya digggg says:

    ya she looks like a bum version of lucy
    not even close to being hotter
    no comparison needed
    she automatically loses by default

  4. TomVeil says:

    This is model Emma Twigg

  5. Edward says:

    Except for the masculine jaw and the Eddie Munster hair, I think she’s A-grade. Of course, hearing that gravelly voice in the dark might be a boner-killer, but you can always wear headphones and listen to music…. I’m just sayin’….

  6. Brian says:

    her face looks like Lucy Pinder but her tits are alot smaller and a true man identifyes a woman not by her face but by her tits

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