Busty Teen In The Shower 10/11/2007 Making her sweet breasts all wet and stuff. Video not working? please report it by sending me an e-mail
Well, if she’s a teen her parents sure bought her a nice set of boobs for her birthday. Very fake, but those have to look spectacular in a tank top. She’d probably get cleaner if she’d lose the panties before getting in the tub. Reply
Does anyone know who this girl is?
what’s will all these fake sets?
bleh fake boobs suck
plus she has a man face
not really a teen either
step your game up niklas
Well, if she’s a teen her parents sure bought her a nice set of boobs for her birthday. Very fake, but those have to look spectacular in a tank top. She’d probably get cleaner if she’d lose the panties before getting in the tub.
What is her name?!?!