Bodypainting X-hibition at Hedonism II

Here are pics from the Bodypainting X-hibition at something called Hedonism II which takes place in Jamaica I think. Some pretty hot girls with decent paint work makes for some pretty hot pics! I don’t know exactly what Hedonism is but it seems to be a vacation destination geared towards people who want to party!

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Bodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babesBodypaint babes

5 thoughts on “Bodypainting X-hibition at Hedonism II”

  1. Not true…yes there are swingers there……but not everyone that goes there is involved in the Swinger life style. Hedo is a great time…looking forward to our 7th trip, and we are not swingers.

  2. I seen pics of that place on an amateur’s website. She and hubby used to go there every year. Looks awesome and fun.


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