World Map of Average Breast Cup Size

This is a pretty cool map of average boob sizes across the globe! A couple if interesting surprises. Who knew that Russia and Scandinavia were full of double Ds? I guess I’m on the wrong side of the border too because according to the map Canada is a cup size behind the US!

(click to view full map)
Boob Map

13 thoughts on “World Map of Average Breast Cup Size”

  1. I think that map is more wishful thinking then accurate. 🙂 I live in the US. D cup is not the average breast size. According to all the research by scientifical personages, the average cup size is 34 B. God I wish it was D.

  2. I live in Norway and not many rocking double Ds!!!!!!!!!!!! no matter how hard I wish, Cs at best!.

  3. I thought black girls have the biggest tits, so what’s with African countries all in the A and B range? Malnutrition?
    And there’s no way that the United States average is D and Russia is bigger than D. I wish. I thought British girls are bigger honestly

  4. Plenty of girl with big boobs in Sweden, maybe not double D’s though, that seems a tad extreme but they sure are rather busty overall.

  5. From what i have read, in America less then a 1/4 of women have c’s or bigger.44 % ar b cups and lower. Also, britain is supposed to have a bigger breast size average, in theory, because they used growth hormones a lot more liberally with their foods. Just saying what i have read, who knows how true it is.

  6. I’ve been to Norway – women there are very small, nowhere near DD, B/C at best. Sweden is a little better, but still not many Ds or bigger. Map is nonsense.


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