Keeley Hazell is Back as an Actress

Considering that Keeley Hazell is one of the most popular girls ever featured on Boobie Blog its nice to see her back in front of the camera again, even though she isn’t getting naked. Venus & The Sun is a short film available on iTunes starring Keeley in her first step into her new career as an actress. I know Keeley has many fans here so I figured you might be interested in checking it out.

Keeley Hazell

You can see stills and get more info at

10 comments on “Keeley Hazell is Back as an Actress”

  1. some guy says:

    will be watching

  2. Firefly says:

    That’s not the Will Smith I was expecting haha

  3. Niklas (fake) says:

    She’s the hottest girl ever existed.

  4. ( o Y o ) says:

    that movie looks seriously gay.

    Keeley could make me watch anything though.

  5. James says:

    I’ll pay to see it if she’s nude….

  6. drydffzs says:

    She is nude in the film, but its just people looking at old magazines/papers or advertisements. Just old photos featured in there.

  7. Doug says:

    I predict her sex tape will still be better in every measurable way.

  8. rog79 says:


    She’s done a sex tape and it’s shit. Proper boring.

  9. Doug says:

    Exactly, rog, that should tell you about where this thing is heading.

  10. fishy says:

    totally legit…hahhahhaahah

    she has zero credibility in any role no matter how hard she tries; the clincher for this ad is the word “actress”

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