Archives Update

Ive done a big update on the archives today and made the following changes:

-Removed the boobie babes category and added Busty Brits, Playboy Babes, Penthouse Babes, Internet Babes, International Babes and Various Babes.
– Random boobage now has its own category.
– Almost every single celebrity, babe or pornstar now have their own archive.

oh, and before I forget…. GO LEAFS GO!

7 comments on “Archives Update”

  1. Ram says:

    nice site
    oh, and before I forget…. GO HABS GO!

  2. Red Wings says:

    i wish both teams could get in, but alas, neither matter because detroit will bring the cup home!

  3. DB says:

    Obviously the Flyers are winning it all.. oh wait..

  4. Wayne says:

    Awesome….Leaf fan…. islanders are winning right now…Leafs might not make it…Leafs ALLTHEWAY!!!!

  5. Chewy Lumpnuts says:

    props Niklas…boobieblog is da shit..MAN!!

  6. Sabres Fan says:

    Sorry to say Sabres are the only one’s on top. Great site by the way!!!!

  7. Dread Pirate says:

    Great site indeed! There’s nothing on here but boobs, boobs, and MORE BOOBS!
    Oh wait. Freakin’ A! Niklas, you’re a fantastic man doing fantastic work. Keep it up!

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