I’m not sure exactly what this brunette is dressed up as? Looks like an old west / explorer / fantasy costume with sci-fi elements so I think it pretty much covers all fanboy territory! I can’t wait to oogle all the sexy costumed babes on Saturday, hopefully I won’t be too drunk on candy and dead people juice to enjoy them.
Pictures from: Erotic Fandom
High quality cosplay will make your cream your pants at Erotic Fandom!
Love the nipple studs! You need to have more like this Nik!
This style is called steampunk, and it’s based on victorian fashion and industrial elements mixed with anachronistic technology. The corset and bra are from Brute Force Studios and the raygun/vibrator is from littledeathray.com.
Damn!!! That is one HUGE pussy!!! Otherwise beautiful gal, but yikes!! See that thing flying at ya out of the dark and you’d think you were being attacked by a facehugger from the alien series!
so who is this chick exactly?
I dont know, she is listed as NiCOTine on their website but thats all I got