4 comments on “Megan Fox Boobs Cleavage at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Launch!”

  1. Shmoo_usn says:

    Could those things be ANY more fake/nasty???

    1. KingKokos says:

      Yeah you’d rather wank to Martha Stewart’s saggy old granny tits right?
      Implants is the best thing to happen to tits since the pushup bra!

      1. Shmoo_usn says:

        LMFAO! No idea how you even made a connection between the two. Duly noted, and ignored….I’ll stick to attractive women WITHOUT implants. You wanna squeeze plastic, have at it…. *shrugs*

        1. PhatMike says:

          his point is that as women age, their tits sag. So your options are to enjoy saggy tits on older women, or get them seen to.

          Obviously we’d all prefer a perfect set of natural chebs, but you have to be realistic in life.

          Also, I’m just talking in regards to real life here, not images to wank to..

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