Here’s amateur Ashlii stripping out of a striped dress! Her boobs look like fake-a-roos but I’d buy her a drink at the bar for a closer look. I bet her face gets really red during sex.
Pictures from: Cosmid
Here’s amateur Ashlii stripping out of a striped dress! Her boobs look like fake-a-roos but I’d buy her a drink at the bar for a closer look. I bet her face gets really red during sex.
Pictures from: Cosmid
Cutie. 😀
Fake hair, fake tan and fake tits.
I’ll pass.
Wedge – Fake eyebrows
Totally fake. But I’d still hit it.
Fake or no, she’s fuckable and that’s what matters.
every girl is technically fake since they put on make up and shit but i guess it gives nerds something to whine about when a girl has implants hahaha
agree with wedge. I’ll pass. And she looks like one of those skanks that’s crappy in bed, too, more concerned with how she looks in the mirror… so really… send this one back…
Got to love the internet. Here, dudes claim they wouldn’t anything but the hottest chicks on the planet. In reality, they would bang any flea-bitten skeez that came their way.
Men lead in the bedroom. If a chick isn’t good in bed, it’s because you didn’t have the balls to give her instructions.
Soul, I have been with a woman with implants and it’s fucking disgusting. Implants feel like giant tumors under the skin, whether they are silicon or saline. I speak from experience.
And you sound like a moron about sex. You clearly don’t have enough experience to realize that being good in bed is a two-way street. A self-centered and self absorbed girl is usually a shit lover because she doesn’t listen to the cues of her partner.
Just like a man can be bad in bed.
There’s plenty of women out there that have issues with sex and don’t know how to give or receive pleasure no matter what the man does. Usually they look like this chick and are interested in what you can do for them financially.
If you want to bang a bag of plastic and hair dye, that is more concerned with the mirror than pleasing you…be my guest. Be sure you spend a lot too, because that type of woman won’t hang around for nothing.
Cosmid is all about getting all natural girls to drop their clothes? Wow, how’d Ashlii slip through then? They need to tighten up their quality control over there at Cosmid.
Gold diggers suck (pun if you want it). If she (generally speaking) used her OWN $ on herself, then more power to her.
MMM, looks like Ashlii wont be a amateur too much longer..
Id take those breasts in a second– who doesnt have fake boobs these days
anyways– that is one hot sexy lady.
Your Shemale admirer Lisa xoxo
p.s. I have saline now but getting redone next year with silicone…
Lots of women don’t have fake breasts. Lots of women don’t have fake tans.
If that’s what you like, more power to you. It’s just more big natties for me.