More and more porn sites offer 4K resolution these days. We wanted to write an article to help those who are not familiar with what it is.
4K is a video resolution, it expresses how detailed/sharp/good quality a video is. It is the next step after HD. Sometimes they even call it 4K Ultra HD, or UHD.
If you’re interested in a detailed comparsion with numbers, here you go:
HD: 1280×720 pixels. 1280 pixels horizontally, and 720 vertically. HD was a big improvement after DVDs, the picture is a whole lot more detailed. You can also express it in terms of megapixelsâ€â€1280×720 is about 0.9MP. Of course that number is not to be compared with your phone camera’s megapixels. When they’re advertising a phone, the megapixels refer to the resolution for taking photos, not videos.
Full HD: 1920×1080 pixels. This is the real thing in HD, with a very sharp picture. That’s 2.1 megapixels. This is the resolution of 99% of the Blu-rays. (Higher resolution 4K Blu-rays only started appearing in 2016.)
4K: 3840×2160, or 8.3 megapixels. Also called UHD, or Ultra HD. Now you can buy some Hollywood movies on special 4K Blurays, but it’s not very common. One place where you could come across 4K more is Netflix, which can stream quite many titles in 4K now.
So the question is, do you need 4K for porn? It depends on your screen. If you have a 4K screen, you probably do. Anything else just won’t look as detailed. If you don’t have a 4K screen, HD or Full HD should be perfectly good.
Either way, porn sites seem to be getting ready for the future. According to X3GUIDE, over 120 porn sites offer 4K now. That’s pretty huge, if you ask me!
no one needs 4k porn. The file size is monstrous. And especially with Comcast holding the world hostage with downloading limits, it wouldn’t take long to to exceed limits and get charged extra because of this.
1280×720 ftw. Small file size, sill looks good, and gets the fap job done.
Nobody really cares because the bitrate it’s posted in ends up looking the same as (or close to) 1080p anyway.
4k holds no interest for me at all.
all it means is slower streaming, and more bandwidth consumption.
Agree with everyone else. Super-ultra-mega high def is a waste. And really … do I actually want to see the hairs that the girl missed last time she shaved? Or be able to count the number of wrinkles in the corner of her eye as she fakes her orgasm? That level of detail is useless to me.
DVD-quality video has always been good enough for me (I think thats 720 px). 4k video is nearly 30 times bigger than that. I think DVD’s were something like 4 GB for 2 hours … which would put 4k video at about 1 GB per minute? Sorry, I don’t have enough internet to support that.
Sadly the bit rates mean it looks as bad as before. Even many fullhd porn videos look. You want 1080p or 4k AND h265 AND a decent bit rate. Say 5M+ for HD and 20M+ for 4k.