2009 Hooters Swimsuit Pageant

More than 130 Hooters waitresses from all over the world competed at the 2009 Hooters Swimsuit Pageant! All those boobs in one place should be like heaven right? Not really, the quality of Hooters waitresses just isn’t that great.. but, here are some of the hottest pics from the event..

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Hooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageantHooters swimsuit pageant

5 thoughts on “2009 Hooters Swimsuit Pageant”

  1. Wow. They’re all in really good shape, so that’s nice, but it looks to me like there isn’t more than 2 or 3 nice sets of big tits in the bunch. That’s kind of depressing!

  2. Lol. I love watching these competitions just so I can see the bitch fest going on in the background. They get so catty and glare at other girls who get called before them. So funny! “Bitch, I’m hotter than you!”


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