10 Things Jordan Carver Can’t do.. because GIANT TITS!

Being busty has its limits so here’s a video of Jordan Carver listing the top 10 things she simply can’t do.

Well, now I feel bad so to help her out, here are the top 10 things Jordan Carver CAN do:

1. Suck my dick
2. Titfuck my dick
3. Fuck my dick
4. Hand me the remote
5. Make me a sandwich
6. Be quiet as I watch my programs
7. Take my dog for a walk
8. Clean up the house
9. Take a shower and freshen up
10. Start over with #1

7 thoughts on “10 Things Jordan Carver Can’t do.. because GIANT TITS!”

  1. Lol, don’t see why every one is hating, she’s mint, so what if they’re enhanced, you wouldn’t be complaining when your face is buried in them, fake tits are better than no tits any day!

  2. I love her accent. Its a shame though because number 11 is “can’t show her nipples because they’re nowhere near where they should be.”


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