Gianna Michaels is a German Beer Girl

I would very much like to have my beer served by Gianna Michaels and her big juggs. I think she looks awesome in this set.

Pictures from: Suze

Busty beer girl Gianna MichaelsBusty beer girl Gianna MichaelsBusty beer girl Gianna MichaelsBusty beer girl Gianna MichaelsBusty beer girl Gianna MichaelsBusty beer girl Gianna MichaelsBusty beer girl Gianna MichaelsBusty beer girl Gianna Michaels

16 thoughts on “Gianna Michaels is a German Beer Girl”

  1. Nick, we all appreciate the effort you put into this weblog, but you should really get used to checking your own links before you post them.

  2. Man, oh man. Gianna is a lot of woman guys. Check her out on This is my link to you guys. I would literally last 8 seconds with her. GOD DAMN!

  3. Yeah! :/ What’s going on? But, I would never complain since you’re a Boob GOD Niklas. Maybe if you say when, people will stop pussy elbowing around.

  4. Hi Niklas….i’m a gr8 fan of ur postings….and this post is showing error and the last bianca paradise one too……please see to it

  5. Please check out the 404 errors, because i find this set amazing: instead of the usual whorish looks (not that I don’t like them), the photographer has managed to make Gianna look BEAUTIFUL in this set!

  6. I do not know what has changed but when I try to view any of your wonderful photos all I get is a 404 not found error. Please correct because for the most part the photos are wonderful.

  7. Gianna is my FAVORITE pornstar… not even a question. Besides being smoking hot and huge-titted, she has a sense of fun that a lot of other girls in porn don’t have. Any hot girl can get you off, but Gianna makes the whole thing fun, and that’s how porn should be! šŸ˜€


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