Patti Stanger is the founder and the host of a show called Millionaire Matchmaker in which she matches millionaires with, I assume, hot women.
Now, Patti gave me a classic brain vs penis situation because my brain keeps telling me that she is quite unattractive but all my penis see are two gianormous breasts squeezed into tight red dress. As always, the penis wins and thats why Im posting these pics..
Celeb sex tapes: Vivid Celeb
She is like a large breasted female Jay leno. UGH…Look away…look away!!! Shame on you Niklas. HAHA
It’s a tossup: Who would I least like to fuck: her or Brooke Hogan? I guess Brooke still repulses me the most. This one looks like she might actually own a cunt, at least.
This chick and brooke hogan are equally ugly…for me it would come down to which one has the most annoying jabber. After only being slightly exposed to both shows…I’d have to go with this woman. Brooke Hogan’s inane mouth noise are like nails on a chalk board. This woman at least has enough sense to articulate coherent sentences.
She’s got a nice body, sure, most likely doctor enhanced, but she certainly isn’t pretty. Must be a slow day in celebrity cleavage for this to make it through.
Man, she is definitely what I’d call a hundred yard beauty. Good from far but far from good.