Here is Ivanka Trump promoting her new book The Trump Card. I wonder if there is a chapter on the relation between boobs and marketing because that seems to be tactic she is using to sell it!
The only way that red dress could’ve been more awesome would be is she had skipped out on wearing a bra.
Nude movie stars: Mr. Skin
I think Ivanka is just amazing, looks and brains. Did she get a head start from her Father, sure, but she’s used it wisely.
Classy and sexy.
Oh, and nice jugs!!!!!
being a trump is like a disease where you have to put your name on anything and everything in big gaudy letters. donald aint even that rich, he doesnt own anything. its the banks that own EVERYTHING.
but anyways ivanka’s sexy as hellllll.
you would think with all the money at her disposal, she would have gotten a boob job that didn’t make her boobs uneven.
What a beauty.
And not only that, but her boobs are 20% off!
that’s what all those stickers mean, right?
(man, who wants to be associated with discounts?)