ALERT!! WARNING!! Anorei Collins is larger than most of the women I post on Boobie Blog and she’s not necessarily my kind of girl, but I am fascinated by her 40LL naturals, so I wanted to post it anyway. Again, if you don’t like BBW chicks.. you’ve been warned!
Anorei Collins live shows: I’m Live
some of the best tits in the business!
I wouldn’t know what to do with those!
too strange :/
meh, fat tits dont count ..
Much as macabre fascination is calling me to click on the video, I will refrain. I’m too scared.
I have to agree with John. Her front butt is almost as big as those tits.
Man the harpoons! It’s a fucking whale!!
Oh yeah……. that’s why obese women are disgusting……… thanks for the reminder.
She is beautiful. I want a girl like her!
How is that real? HOW? That is insane, but she has a pretty face. If she lost 400 lbs she could make it as a huge nipple recovering meth fiend. Truly a woman who lives up to my name.
rolls arent tits
they dont count
Davo is just upset they posted his girlfriend online.
Disgusting, come on Niklas, you almost made me throw up first thing in the morning
What a bunch of cunts a lot of you are! You’ll jerk your dick off to a woman with horribly fake breasts, but the moment you see real ones you’re disgusted. Just got to gay porn it’s your only hope it seems.
She’s a beast. Please no more fatties.
Long live Chris Farley
Niklas, beastiality is illegal, get this shit out of here.
This is disgusting…
I say keep posting big titties like this for the awesome humor of the comments!
I come to this site to beat off not look at Nat Geo Whale week
Those aren’t tits, its a space station.
It’s Ms. Chokesondick
This is fucking disgusting. Ugh…
He flat out warns you “if you don’t like BBW chicks” etc. etc. and yet you still clicked! Its like you only clicked to see if you would have something to complain about!
DDrendar has it correct…or almost correct.
They didn’t click just so they could have something to complain about. They clicked because they are porn addicts. So desperately horny that they’ll look at anything offered.
However, they don’t want to admit, even to themselves, that they did actually just go looking at “anything offered” so to justify it and makes themselves feel better they have to make fun of the model.
After 26 comments DDrendar and I decide to see what is so special about this post, and we find the same idiots saying the same shit.
IMO it’s hilarious that this chick has 25+ hits on her blog entry while the chick on the treadmill has 6. If I were Niklas I know what I would post more of.
Do you present the theory that the some of the little boys here really do like bigger women?
I present the theory that some people here just click on anything because it has the promise of tits.
They’re like the sort of immature guys that would make fun of their friend for fucking a fat girl, despite the fact that they themselves are virgins and would give anything to fuck a girl…fat or otherwise.
After they have clicked on said video…and obviously watched it, they then have to justify it to themselves by slamming the chick and anyone who finds her sexually attractive. You see, they care desperately about what other men do with their dicks because their own cocks remain untouched. Probably due more to social retardation than actual standards.
I mean, they were warned and the video still image is very clearly of a fat girl. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out that if you aren’t into BBW then don’t watch it.
Clearly they are into BBWs but also into a deep stage of denial and/or shame.
I don’t give a fuck what he said in the original post. I come here to look at good looking girls, not whales on webcam.
wedge and ddrendar got it right. warn a bunch of retards on the internet, but they won’t rest till they’ve given their useless 2 cents.
@HyperHorse Wow I think it’s funny how you are trying to tell him how to run HIS own website. You need to grow up, along with the other 13 year olds on here. Yes it is called “Boobieblog” that’s why there’s 40LL boobs in the video. I don’t like women this big either but you were warned. Even though it has been said already, if you don’t like it then don’t watch it.
@lol no,
If you didn’t like it then why did you watch it? You were warned. The video still image clearly shows what she looks like.
What else can Niklas do to keep you from masturbating to women you find repulsive.
When you see gay porn do you watch the entire video and the post comments about how you found it disgusting?
You probably do. lol
I don’t understand the need for all you guys to complain. Some guys (like me) think that Anorei is beautiful and would put her on our top 10 women to fuck (and spray cum on those tits) in the world.
Why don’t you go around bashing every walk of life that doesn’t like anorexic stick insect DISGUSTING fashion model women (to me that’s equivalent to fucking a 14yr old boy).
Love you Anorei !…. you are a beautiful WOMAN