Busty Blonde Kara Jo Stripping

Very sexy video of Kara Jo stripping for Playboy. Her boobs are obviously fake but I thought she was so hot that I wanted to post this anyway.

Video from: Playboy’s Cyber Club
Playboy blonde Kara Jo video

6 thoughts on “Busty Blonde Kara Jo Stripping”

  1. lol at the guy above me. That question should only be asked if you think the girl is a transsexual.

  2. “Are those real? I need to know becuz I won’t jack off to a girl with plastic surgery.”

    Honestly thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard most of the time the fake ones look better than the real ones, to many real ones sag to much and look like sh*t, I am personally happy lots of girls get plastic surgery. Also another problem with large real boobs versus fake ones is that softball sized nipples are gag inducing. So unless a girls boobs look so good they could be considered fake, I would take the fake ones almost any day of the week.

  3. any time a slim woman is posted here you shit for brains think she is a tranny.

    are you that obsessed with fat rolls that nothing else will do?

    i’m going to start a new competing web site. fatrolls.com you fanboys will jizz all over the place with the content.

    fucking retards.

  4. Jakobus, your an ass-hole fake breasts are SHIT(which you’re afraid to spell without censoring.) I hate them. (I would insult you more but its not nice to make fun of retards.)

  5. So much hate, guys. Boobs are supposed to pacify and make you feel better, not the opposite. Or maybe it was a rough weekend for all of you 😛


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