7 comments on “Emily Ratajkowski Claims Her SnapChat was Hacked! See Through!”

  1. Chad says:

    Are the above photos from the supposed hacking? She shows a see through nipple shot and she’s hacked??

    1. Niklas says:

      The first pic was published by her to let people know her account was hacked. The second see through pic was supposedly leaked from the hack.

  2. B says:

    Stupid, lol. She’s already been naked. Seeking attention?

  3. SickBoy says:


  4. Iwudluvtoo says:

    What a waste of space and air….

  5. Michael says:

    She’s shown more than the “hacked” photo, so what is the big deal other than the “security” of her account??

  6. bob says:

    i really cant stand this girl.

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