5 comments on “Sarah Silverman’s Boobs Smiling Back at You!”

  1. Sylvain says:

    I love this woman, not just her boobs although that its a good asset. 😉

  2. Lance Burton says:

    See those things in the shower….they are not as great as when in this dress.

  3. Answerman says:

    I know she’s “famous,” I just do not understand why. I can see hotter girls out on the weekend, never heard her say anything even close to being funny, and occasionally I’ll her some clip of an interview with her and she make some lame comment about getting high sometime, like a 15 year old. What am I missing?

  4. yaya says:

    Would cum so fucking hard on her face.

  5. Tyrandil says:

    Her tits looks so good in that dress !

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