13 comments on “Chloe Vevrier in Zebra Print”

  1. Clemofski says:

    Lol. It’s so blindingly soft focus I might as well stare into the sun and masturbate.

  2. nothingmore says:

    Through the clever combination of soft focus lenses, extensive photoshop airbrushing and strategically covered midriffs, Chloe has beaten the odds. She has managed to keep her modeling career intact and kudos to her for that. But sometimes I can not help but wonder, what does her face really looks like? It can’t really be _that_ bad, can it?

  3. swankwank says:

    Nicklas you should start an offshoot of boobie blog for all the fat models. I like me some big natural tits but can do without all the beached whales.

  4. Lance burton says:

    Its like a cow going to a costume party as a zebra.

  5. earlvegas says:

    I never can figure out how this site attracts all the gays.

  6. lol no says:


  7. Lu says:

    Since when has Chloe been a beached whale? She’s always been a little curvy and at times chubby, but that’s a far cry from “beached whale.” You guys need to get out more if you think that term fits her.

  8. swankwank says:

    Recent posts Michelle Manning & Selena Castro or whatever are all cows. Like I said make a new site fat cows with big tits.

  9. Me says:

    I’m not into fat girls either, but calling Chloe fat is like calling the US government “efficient”. It’s just retarded.

    I think she looks great and I hope she keeps modeling as long as she can. She should do a few more XXX vids before she retires!

  10. Clemofski says:

    I’m the first to criticize the excessive smoothing in any of Chloe’s photos but she’s always been the perfect size for me; just the right side of chubby, nice rounded, in short the perfect burlesque woman.

    Nothingmore, I saw a rare, unedited photo of her which someone took at a trade show in the last year or two. She’s….pretty much as you’d imagine. It’s obvious she’s had some work done ( you can even make out that much in the photoshop! ), facelift maybe, and there’s some lines on her forehead, but nothing unexpected for her age. She needs to embrace it, there are plenty of sexy older women out there and she’d still have more than enough business for her website.

  11. Lance burton says:

    Its the overweight trannies earlvegas that attract you and the other “Gays”.

  12. Shtegara says:

    😯 super woman

  13. mike says:

    @ Clemofski…. you tell Chloe to “embrace it” but the question is…. would you “embrace it” if she embraced it and still continued to model?… I highly doubt it since you are already so terribly critical… you sound very hypocritical if you ask me.

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