Big Boobs and a Tiny Man

..and today in boob niches I didn’t know existed.. large breasts and very tiny men! I actually remember seeing a video of something similar to this of a tiny man running around on a naked girls body or something like that, don’t think she had huge boobs though. Here is a small collection of a probably even smaller niche for those of you who wish you were a very tiny man living inside the bosom of a very busty woman..

Hot or not?

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Big boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny manBig boobs and tiny man

12 comments on “Big Boobs and a Tiny Man”

  1. hrrmmm says:

    That’s … weird.

  2. Ghen says:

    This is actually a branch of a fetish community called Macrophillia or GTS (GTS involves less furries actually…) The branch is called SM, and often involves shrunken men playing on and inside of the bodies, and between the breasts of larger women. It’s actually quite sexy and I commend Boobie Blog for posting these pictures. =)

  3. yee says:

    who is the first girl

  4. (@Y@) says:

    #6 cracks me up 😀

  5. morrdigan says:

    I want to know who the first girls as well.

  6. Me says:

    Pics 1, 2, 3, and 7 are all Milena Velba. Do you guys live under a rock?

  7. r says:

    I like big titties!

  8. PoopChef says:

    so, is that guy ok?

  9. nana says:

    who is the eighth girl

  10. Ryuigi says:

    Who is the black lady? Number 5 and 9? She super fine!

  11. Me says:

    The black lady is the amazing Miosotis Claribel. The woman in pic 8 is Traci Topps. Pretty sure the brunette in pic 4 is Nadine Jansen. Not sure who the blonde is in pics 4 and 6.

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